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World Of Warcraft's New-New Player Experience?!


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World Of Warcraft has completely revamped its new player experience, character creation and
entire levelling process during the WoW Shadowlands pre patch, in this video I jump in to check it out and give my thoughts as to if these changes will help WoW retain players and ultimately convince more people to give WoW a try in 2020 and beyond

What do you think about World Of Warcraft in 2020? Do you still consider it the best MMORPG to play? what further changes would you like to see for Shadowlands? let me know in the comments below!

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—World Of Warcraft Shadowlands Description—

What lies beyond the world you know? The Shadowlands, resting place for every mortal soul—virtuous or vile—that has ever lived. Journey through planes of torment and imprisonment to those of rebirth and eternal reward.

Oribos is the arrival point for all souls who enter the Shadowlands. At this crossroads, the dead are judged by the impassive Arbiter before being sent to their final destinations, and Oribos’ denizens swap gossip and anima—soulstuff that serves as both power and currency.

Align yourself with one of four Covenants—mysterious sects, each with their own ambition for the Shadowlands—to restore balance to the hereafter.

You’ll gain access to your Covenant’s Sanctum, where you’ll accept unique quests, undertake a sprawling covenant campaign, and call upon your allies to embark on important missions. You‘ll also earn unique abilities based on your Covenant and class, acquire a unique mount and visual appearance, and forge bonds with powerful souls, drawing on their essence to further customize your skills.

Once, the Jailer kept only the most dangerous souls in the cosmos confined in this eternal prison. Now, some of Azeroth’s greatest heroes are trapped here, and you’ll need to rescue them from the Jailer’s tower before he expends their very souls.

Torghast is an endlessly replayable, ever-changing dungeon that you can challenge alone or in a group. Your runs will differ each time, but you’ll need to explore cautiously. Death comes at a terrible cost. Defeat enough of Torghast’s unpredictable challenges, and you’ll be rewarded with unique abilities and items to ensure your present survival or bolster your next run. The further you progress, the greater your likelihood of retrieving materials to craft the legendary weapons and armor that will help you restore balance to the Shadowlands.

Other secrets lie within the tower… but they’re yet to be revealed.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will smooth out the leveling experience and better prepare new adventurers for what’s to come. Players will level up to 50 before heading to the Shadowlands (new level cap: 60).

We’ve adjusted the experience curve to make it faster than ever to prepare for the newest challenges, and each level along the way will provide more meaningful increases in progress and power. All expansion zones are getting more flexible, too; they’ll be able* to scale to you and your friends while you level to 50, so it’s easy to try a zone you’ve never played.

*You can still outlevel dungeons and crush them for transmogs or fulfillment.

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, you will be able to become the hero you’re meant to be. All-new customization options for characters will be available, from varied skin tones to facial features, new tattoos, hairstyles, earrings, and more. Just visit your friendly appearance agitator in Oribos, or the local barber shop back on Azeroth. It’s time to give your main a makeover.

World Of Warcraft, Shadowlands, WoW, MMORPG, PVP, PVE, New Player Experience, Beginner, Tab Targeting Gameplay, Open World, WoW 2020, 2021, TheLazyPeon, Character Customization, Should You Play WoW? Expansion, Raiding, Dungeons, Arena, Battleground, Transmog, Mounts, Boss, Achievement
#MMORPG #WOW #Shadowlands
World Of Warcraft’s New-New Player Experience?!

Tag: game world of warcraft, World Of Warcraft, WoW 2020, Should You Play WoW, WoW New Player, New Player Experience, WoW TheLazyPeon, World Of Warcraft Beginner, WoW Beginner Guide, WoW Noob, Shadowlands Guide, Shadowlands, World Of Warcraft Shadowlands, How To WoW, How To Warcraft, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), Massively Multiplayer, MMORPG, MMO, Asmongold, WoW Asmongold, WoW Mount, WoW Raid, PVP, PVE, Bellular Gaming, Preach Gaming, WoW Killer, What Class WoW, WoW First Impressions, Shadowlands Review

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