This was livestreamed over at my twitch channel
If you leave a like or a dislike please leave a comment to say what you did or didn’t like so i can focus and improve in the future.
My twitter:
Tag: game warface, gameplay, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Let’s, Play, Adventures, Hofner, Hofn3r, Watch, my, video, please, Live, Commentary, PS4, PC, PS3, XBOX, 360, WIIU, WII, 1080P, 60FPS, 30FPS, High, criticism, Very, British, Clumsy, Impressions, GTX, 970, I74790K, 16, DDR3
Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/pc
Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn