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  2. Game Offline
  3. [New Game OVA] New Game: Watashi, Shain Ryokou the Hajimete nano de [German Sub]

[New Game OVA] New Game: Watashi, Shain Ryokou the Hajimete nano de [German Sub]

Game Offline

Uploading this on Youtube is a pain, making my own subs is fairly easy but adding those into the episode, then somehow recording that with obs and somehow avoid copyright strikes..sigh..

Have fun with my first german sub I did a few years ago on my own.

Of course I dont earn any money with this video.

op/ed is cut out to avoid copyright, sorri ma freinds.

Tag: newgame, new game!!, new game!! ova, New Game: Watashi, Shain Ryokou the Hajimete nano de, gersub, deutsche untertitel, anime deutsch, anime german, anime

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/game-offline

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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