Bạn đang xem: 2048 · geekygames
TIP 2. Always try to keep the high valued blocks in the bottom row and try to arrange the scores on the block in the descending order from Left to right (last row) and then right to left in the second last row in the pattern as shown in the image below:

TIP 3.
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After achieving the above pattern it will be just too easy to get the 2048 tile by merging the 8 and 8 tiles to get 16, 16 and 16 tiles to get 32 and go on until you get the 2048 tile by merging the 1024 and 1024 tile.
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How to make the highest valued tile in the left bottom corner and not to move it?Once your highest tile value is in the left bottom corner, do not move it. To make sure your highest valued tile in the corner is not moved, you have to make the last row always filled by pushing the down arrow so that the use of LEFT and Right Arrow would not move the highest valued tile.The main cheat/strategy for 2048 Game is to keep the highest tile in the corner and do not move it. And then play with only 2 (or 3 sometimes) arrow keys and move the other higher tiles towards the same corner. If you follow this 2048 game hack then there is 80% chance to achieve the 2048 tile. All the Best Guys. Also If you play Whats The Difference, Candy Crush Saga, Piano Tiles and 4 Pics 1 Word thenwe also have What”s The Difference Hack , Candy Crush Life Hack , Piano Tiles Tips and 4 Pics 1 Word Answer Generator Hacks to help you solve your puzzle.
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