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  3. Guilty Gear X – Anime Intro [Full HD]

Guilty Gear X – Anime Intro [Full HD]


The animated intro of GGX taken from GGX2 extras.One simple word:epic!
Don’t forget to like and sub!

Story: “The Guilty Gear series takes place around the year 2180, in a chaotic, mystical future world. In 2010, mankind discovered an unlimited energy source of incredible power, which was labeled Magic. Despite providing a solution for world energy crisis, wars continued. The power of Magic was combined with humans and other creatures creating living weapons known as Gears. Eventually the Gears turned on the human race, beginning a century-long global war known as the Crusades where the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, defeated Justice, leader of the Gears. Justice having been locked away in a dimensional prison, all other Gears seemingly ceased to function, bringing end to an age of conflict.

Five years after the war’s end a Gear called Testament planned to free the leader Justice. In response the United Nations heralded a tournament of fighters capable of defeating the resurgent enemies Testament and Justice. Ultimately, a bounty hunter named Sol Badguy defeated Justice, giving way to another uneasy peace.

Less than a year later reports of a newly discovered commander Gear surfaced. Fearing the dawn of another war, the United Nations held a tournament, offering 500,000 World Dollars for the destruction of the Gear.The Gear was a girl named Dizzy, who, while very powerful, lacked a desire for war and unnecessary destruction.” – Taken from:

Tag: guilty gear wiki, playthorugh, yt:crop=16:9, guilty gear x1, guilty gear, walkthrough, yt:stretch=16:9, games, Gear, guilty gear x intro, YouTube, HD, gameplay, PC, game, Guilty, yt:quality=high, guilty gear x, intro

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