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  2. Mobile
  3. gttm podcast one 0001

gttm podcast one 0001


this is our first video games pod cast so we hope you like it and well be back next week

couple of things from the video

Super Fraze’s x-box live gamer tag – Super Fraze

Luke’s Steam ID – Yosef Fritzl

and for another info on us (gamer tags extra) and the rest of the GTTM team (and hopefully the full pod cast) go to

and soon full pod cast will hopefully be on podbean.com

Tag: gttm game, GTTM, super, fraze, bonkers, gazqwerty, gaz, qwerty, thegazzmister, luke, ferne, mutilation, man, game, gaming, podcast, pod, cast, weekly, news, prototype, tf2, dj, hero, activision, tripwire, interactive, left, dead, l4d, killingfloor, world, of, warcraft, pc, steam, playstation, resi, evil

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/mobile

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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