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  3. Grand Theft Auto VI: Gameplay Trailer

Grand Theft Auto VI: Gameplay Trailer


Grand Theft Auto VI: Gameplay Trailer

Happy April Fools’ Day! This is a concept fan made trailer for GTA VI. Hope you liked it. Welcome to my channel. Subscribe and hit the bell.

Script, storyboard, sound design and edited by Marlon Marins
Voice over perfomance by Angela Clark:

Made in collaboration with Portal Viciados:

Disclaimer: I don’t claim ownership of any portion of this materail. All rights reserved to their respective owners. This is a concept fan made trailer created with footage found on the Internet for April Fools’ Day. Not intended to mislead.

88Jackob88: | BattyStacks: | Captain Hishiro: | CinematicS: | DoctorGTA: | DoctorGTA: | DubStepZz: | GTA BELGIUM: | GTA Wise Guy: | GTA Workshop: | GTA Workshop: | icelaglace: | iCepxno: | iCepxno: | iCepxno: | INTER: | INTER: | INTER: | INTER: | Leon Setak: | Mafia Game Videos: | Mano Ryder: | Marcologna: | Nadeox1: | New Day RP: | NotYourAverageHighlights: | Santiago Ibarra / Saintsfan: | Ubisoft Brasil: | Ubisoft North America: | Ubisoft North America: | Ubisoft: | ultraviolet production: | West Highland Productions: | XboxViewTV: | XXII: | XXII: | XXII:

Tag: gta 6 trailer, gta 6, gta vi, gta 6 trailer, gta vi trailer, gta 6 gameplay, gta vi gameplay, gta 6 vazamento, gta vi vazamento, gta 6 leak, gta vi leak, gta 6 notícia, gta vi notícia, gta 6 news, gta vi news, gta 6 cidade, gta vi cidade, gta 6 city, gta vi city, gta 6 protagonistas, gta vi protagonistas, gta 6 protagonists, gta vi protagonists, gta 6 gráficos, gta vi gráficos, gta 6 graphics, gta vi graphics, grand theft auto, rockstar games, marlon xgamer

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/mobile

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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