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  2. Mobile
  3. Grand Theft Auto III 100% (WITH MUSIC & NO GLITCH)

Grand Theft Auto III 100% (WITH MUSIC & NO GLITCH)


The goal with GTA III 100% was to record a run without saving between missions or objectives. I also wanted to challenge myself and potentially have perfect stats by the end (No deaths, no busts, no mission or no rampage fails). Without spoiling anything, I will say that I got VERY lucky at the beginning…still can’t believe it watching back!

Quý khách hãy đăng ký để nhận Khuyến Mãi bên dưới của nhà cái Fi88


The video includes the original music from the game which is a big part of GTA experience and why I decided to leave it in. For this reason, monetization is not available. I’ve been asked about donations by a few generous viewers who wish to support the hard work involved in making these videos and it can be done securely at the following link through paypal for those interested. 🙂

Please like and subscribe and check out my Vice City 100% video which was completed in a similar fashion at the following link :

Tag: gta 3 full, Grand Theft Auto III 100% Playthrough, Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto III 100%, Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto 3 100%, Grand Theft Auto III 100% Walkthrough, Let’s play GTA III, GTA III 100%, GTA 3 100%, Let’s play GTA III 100%, GTA 3 100% Speedrun, GTA III 100% Speedrun, GTA 3 all missions, GTA 3 rampages, GTA 3 stunt jumps, GTA III, GTA 3, GTA III gangs, GTA 3 Mafia, GTA 3 Salvatore Leone, GTA 3 Claude, GTA 3 Yakuza, GTA 3 Columbian Cartel, GTA 3 Catalina

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/mobile

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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