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  2. Mobile
  3. Grand Theft Auto III 100% (WITH MUSIC & NO GLITCH)

Grand Theft Auto III 100% (WITH MUSIC & NO GLITCH)


The goal with GTA III 100% was to record a run without saving between missions or objectives. I also wanted to challenge myself and potentially have perfect stats by the end (No deaths, no busts, no mission or no rampage fails). Without spoiling anything, I will say that I got VERY lucky at the beginning…still can’t believe it watching back!

The video includes the original music from the game which is a big part of GTA experience and why I decided to leave it in. For this reason, monetization is not available. I’ve been asked about donations by a few generous viewers who wish to support the hard work involved in making these videos and it can be done securely at the following link through paypal for those interested. 🙂

Please like and subscribe and check out my Vice City 100% video which was completed in a similar fashion at the following link :

Tag: gta 3 full, Grand Theft Auto III 100% Playthrough, Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto III 100%, Grand Theft Auto 3, Grand Theft Auto 3 100%, Grand Theft Auto III 100% Walkthrough, Let’s play GTA III, GTA III 100%, GTA 3 100%, Let’s play GTA III 100%, GTA 3 100% Speedrun, GTA III 100% Speedrun, GTA 3 all missions, GTA 3 rampages, GTA 3 stunt jumps, GTA III, GTA 3, GTA III gangs, GTA 3 Mafia, GTA 3 Salvatore Leone, GTA 3 Claude, GTA 3 Yakuza, GTA 3 Columbian Cartel, GTA 3 Catalina

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/mobile

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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