1. Tổng quan
  2. Mobile
  3. Give Up Speedrun in 4:03

Give Up Speedrun in 4:03


Great run! Almost everything here was spot-on, and I was able to execute fast strategies on the hard levels. Some of the levels I missed up on:

Level 24 – unfortunate. I usually don’t mess this level up.
Level 31 – not a mess up, but I just wanted to mention it because it was extremely lucky. I deviated from the path I usually take but somehow I avoided dying and finished faster than I ever have before.
Level 34 – eh. I’m not sure if it’s my keyboard or if it’s just a flaw in the game, but sometimes I don’t jump even when I press the up key. Only 4 seconds lost, though, it could’ve been much worse.
Level 35 – I have to do slightly different movement on this stage because of the cannon is in a weird place compared to 33/34/36, but I just forgot to do that which made me die once.

Overall, this exceeded my goal for this game. Sub 4 is definitely possible, but it’d require making almost zero mistakes, which is next to impossible because of how many things can go wrong.

Tag: give up game, give up game speedrun speed run done fast armor games

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/mobile

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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