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  3. Cheaters in Dota 2 — next generation of maphacks

Cheaters in Dota 2 — next generation of maphacks

Game Offline

Everyone heard of Techies/Orchid/Rubick scripts, but it’s epidemic of new generation of hacks/cheats that invaded Dota recently.

Match id: 2067625515
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Remember: noone wins in game with cheaters. Even cheater himself.

Tag: next generation dota 2, arteezy, dendi, admiralbulldog, sumail, singsing, eg, navi, natus vincere, puppey, eternalenvy, kuroky, team secret, pitlord, arc warden, tournament, ti3, rampage, feeder, feed, 322, throw, highlight

Xem thêm: https://game24giờ.vn/category/game-offline

Nguồn: https://game24giờ.vn

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