This a 1 protoss vs 7 terrans game on a largest, fastest money map.
I find this challenge fucking hard cause if you wall off with only cannons, after some time the comps will bring tons of tanks/cruisers and get medieval on your heinie.
I tried lots of strats such as fast dark templar, fast carrier, cannon walling, etc. but the only one that worked was:
cannon rush a terran in a corner — fast dark templar — mind control a scv — abandon your original base — walling your new base with tanks and cannons — create lots of small units such as zealots/goliaths/tanks/dragoons/etc. and kill the remaining comps in succession.
As I kinda suck at micro and multitasking, I made lots of mistakes and needed almost 80 mins to beat the comps but I thinks it’s possible to do so in about 1 hour.
If you know any other viable strategy, feel free to tell me.
Tag: map starcraft full tien, brood war, starcraft, Protoss, Terran
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